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Too old for snapchat too young for life alert shirt

I tried to apply for food stamps but was denied because I’m single and Too old for snapchat too young for life alert shirt. I couldn’t get any form of public assistance because I had too many assets in the form of my pickup truck that I lived out of and my 401k. Moving was not an option – where would I go? I had my job, my school, the few friends I did have, any and all connections were in the Bay Area. It takes a certain amount of mental toughness, optimism, and believe that you will get through to better days. Being homeless is not fun. It’s not a game. Looking at me, you would have never been able to tell, but you really don’t know somebody’s story. Just because a person has a cell phone or has a car doesn’t mean they’re not struggling I’ve had to fight that ignorant statement many times.


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